Emotional Wellbeing
Our partners:
de Vereniging Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs - 2College Durendael
Oisterwijk, Netherlands
Dunkerque, France
Ellesmere Port, United Kingdom
Vecumnieki, Latvia
Hungarian Project Leader:
Szabó-Béres Lilla
Summary of the project:
The world is changing rapidly thanks to a range of economic, societal and technological forces. Stability becomes more and more a meaningless word. Young people aren't sure of what their future will look like. Our educational systems focus mainly on knowledge. Yet young people must learn how to deal with factors of stress. They must learn to be in control of their mobile phones, of their futures, of their own wellbeing. They must learn to be in control of their own lives.
Technological changes result in a digitized world. Young people spend an average of 5 hours per day behind a screen, mainly on social media. The amount of information we receive every single day is huge. Brain research shows that social media trigger the so called reptile brain. They trigger unconscious activities in the brain causing addiction and putting the brain in a constant mode of attack (attention), leaving no room for moments of rest and relaxation. An example are the blue checkmarks in WhatsApp. This could lead to sleeping disorders with all its consequences. (Social) isolation and addiction are lurking. The development of the so called executive functions in the brain are essential.
Our general and main objective is to make students and teachers aware of technological, societal and economical changes in the world and the impact those changes have on their wellbeing, now and in their future. This should lead to a different kind of behaviour regarding the aspects of the changes and to discussions with or between students, parents, teachers and school boards about people's wellbeing. More concrete we want to enable students to perform a better social interaction, to develop their social skills, the ability to understand, tolerate, and cope with other’s ways of thinking. This should result into higher psychological wellbeing and more self-esteem in order to be able to achieve intended goals.
We aim to have 150 students, in the age of 14 to 16 years, directly participating in the meetings together with their families and with teachers. Beside those participants we want to reach more people via the websites and social media of the participating schools and via the project's website and social media.
All activities will confront the participants with factors that cause stress or insecurity, now or in the future. Each partner school focussing on a factor which is typical for their situation or background. The added value is in the fact that schools are situated in different parts of Europe. Next to experiencing stress and insecurity we offer the participants tools which can help them to deal with stress.
During and after this project we develop and maintain a website about wellbeing. This website will be filled with theoretical background and timetabled lesson plans about a wide range of emotional wellbeing and tips and activities that can help to deal with stress in a positive way. This website will be open to all who are interested.
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