Learning Together About Legends and History
Our partner:
Niepubliczna Szkola Podstawowa "Szkola Przyszlosci"
Białołęcka 186D, Warszawa, Poland
The summary of the project:
The context of the project called ‘Learning Together About Legends and History’ reflects upon the fact that 2018 is declared to be the European Year of Cultural Heritage. It involves the partnership of a Hungarian bilingual school in Budapest and a Polish private school in Warsaw, based on a finished award winning and an ongoing eTwinning project between the two schools. There are two participating classes with pupils aged 10-12. The most motivated pupils are chosen for the travelling learning activity.
The objectives of the project are to bring Hungarian and Polish history, culture and heritage closer to primary pupils through legends and folk-tales. The two participating schools put great emphasis on foreign language practice. The participants gain real-life, first-hand experiences while creating a communicative and cooperating learning environment with the help of the English language and building a long-term relationship between the two schools and the learning pairs. They work together in several ways using ICT tools and 21st century learning techniques.
The main idea of the project is that the participants share and learn about the legends and folk tales of the two nations as their common European cultural heritage. This topic is connected to the National Curricula. Both schools agreed to set up a new eTwinning project for this theme and during the project the teachers meet in Budapest and the pupils meet in Krakow. The two schools chose a Polish legend and they decided to work together as a group, performing a play about the ‘Dragon of Wawel’ which is the famous legend of Krakow.
The activities take place during the whole year of the project and beyond. The project starts with a joint-staff start meeting, when four teachers of the Polish school visit the coordinator school in Budapest. After that there are five, one-month long, online, topic-based lectures about legends related to Hungarian and Polish history. In March the pupils of the two schools meet and carry out a joined ’live-lesson’ project and bring alive the play together. The main tool for communication is the eTwinning site, Skype and working in forms of short films, videos, photos, presentations.
As a result of the project the pupils of both schools reach a wider knowledge about history and cultural heritage while they have a chance to share their ideas and experiences using the English language as an in-between tool to communicate. Their language competence, soft skills and interpersonal skills improve a great deal while they cooperate in their shared projects and learn to appreciate the values that are inherited from past generations.
As a longer-term benefit, after sensitizing the pupils to preserve, protect and have an appreciation for tangible and intangible world cultural heritage, they became more conscious and they feel more responsible for them. Both schools are open for other eTwinning partnerships and are willing to work on new projects in the future.
“There are many ways to get to know the world and that is what folk tales offer. Through tales, it is possible to acquire a valid knowledge of how the world works and what life tasks people face.”
Boldizsár Ildikó

Excursion to Kisnána Castle in Hungary - Day 1
Excursion to Kisnána Castle in Hungary - Day 2
Meeting in Krakow
14-03-2019 - 16-03-2019
Film about the drama play created together:
The Polish School Website
Project Timeline
Students collected information about Vajdahunyad castle on the Padlet
Students started to investigate about the Vajdahunyad Castle. The team visited the Vajdahunyad castle in Budapest and made an introduction video
Organising the Polish colleagues' professional visit to Budapest
Polish colleagues are visiting Budapest in October. They will observe lessons in the primary and in the secondary school.
Student's video message about Vajdahunyad Castle
The Polish Malbrok Castle
Polish team work: https://padlet.com/mczech06/sgediqm7x8cx
Hungarian team created armors, swords and helmets during the arts and crafts lesson in the school.
Hollókő castle
The Hungarian team postponed the tour to Hollókő because of the weather. Instead of visiting the Castle of Hollókő we were in a mediavel restaurant in Budapest and we tried the soup in loaf.
Polish team's work about Royal Castle in Chęciny, Łysiec and its legends
Hungarian team had a group meeting in January. We watched a movie in a cinema: Ralph Breaks the Internet. Students learned about the Internet in a playful way.
Castle of Kisnána
The Hungarian team travelled to Kisnána. Here is our diary about the travel
The Hungarian team also had a teem meeting in the famous Budapest Circus. We have seen the Fire Circus: Phoenix Show. For some children this was the first time to be in the Budapest Circus. It was incredible and mysterious.
The Hungarian team were in cinema and watched the movie: How to Train your Dragon.
Polish and Hungarian teams met in Krakow to set up the play 'Dragon of Wawel Legend'.
The film about the Dragon Wawel Legend by Polish and Hungarian cooperation:
The two teams practiced hard before the recording:
The two teams spent 3 happy days together in Krakow visiting attractions.
Here is the Polish report about the Holiday:
We spent the evenings together with ice braking games:
We were playing with Lego creating dragon robots.
The Hungarian tem visited the Buda Castle
The Hungarian team visited Hollókő Castle.
Hollókő is a castle and a village too in northern Hungary in Cserhát Hill. The village is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. We went to the castle, listened its history and tried the old weapons.
It is a power point presentation about Hollókő. Students made it in team work.
Archery at school with our teacher of Arts:
Budapest news: The Hungarian project coordinators invited a pantomime artist to the school to celebrate the end of the project and the end of the school year.
2019. Október
Disszemináció, országos értékelés
A projekt pályázat útján elnyerte a Minősített eTwinning projekt címet. A Nemzeti Szolgáltató a projektet online pályázat alapján beválogatta az eTwinning Magyarország 2019. versenybe. Itt a gyerekek személyesen mutatták be az egész éves együttműködést, és végül az eTwinning projektek KA2 stratégiai partnerséggel összekapcsolt kategóriájában 4. helyezést értek el.
További információk a versenyről a Tempus Közalapítvány honlapján.
A projektet az Európai Bizottság támogatta. A kiadványban (közleményben) megjelentek nem szükségszerűen tükrözik az Európai Bizottság nézeteit.