International cooperation using a facebook group - Bråtejordet - Szabó LÅ‘rinc
Norway - Hungary

Classes from both schools form a closed facebook group for international cooperation. With the help of the social media they get to know each other, they get impressions about the other country, they share moments of their everyday life.
The class in Bråtejordet School visited the Hungarian Embassy in Oslo with the intention of finding a Hungarian partner class for their International Cooperation subject. Szabó LÅ‘rinc School was also looking for a Norwegian partner to widen their international relations. The two classes decided to form a facebook group together as a platform of their cooperation.
As a result we hope to widen our horizons, practise the English language and include more European values into our education.

Angol nyelvű Kahoot kvízeink a norvég gyerekek számára:
Information about the project
Classes from both schools form a closed facebook group for international cooperation. With the help of the social media they get to know each other, they get impressions about the other country, they share moments of their everyday life.
The class in Bråtejordet School visited the Hungarian Embassy in Oslo with the intention of finding a Hungarian partner class for their International Cooperation subject. Szabó LÅ‘rinc School was also looking for a Norwegian partner to widen their international relations. The two classes decided to form a facebook group together as a platform of their cooperation. From the initial facebook group we would like to move to a more professional level and create an approved eTwinning partnership.
As a result we hope to widen our horizons, practise the English language and include more European values into our education.
Regarding the competences gained in the eTwinning cooperation students will improve their English language skills with special focus on written and oral presentation skills. As a result of the online platform they will develop their ICT skills, they learn how to manage their time during lessons, how to plan a post, how to design a meaningful questionnaire, how to interpret posts of the partner class. By making videos and vlogs pupils gain various 21st century skills. Both classes contain students from a third country, so learners will improve their social sensitivity and experience multicultural values. Geographical and cultural knowledge will also be acquired and widened during the partnership.
Work Process
The mutual cooperation will take place in a closed facebook group including the teachers and the students of one Norwegian and one Hungarian class. Both classes have lessons once a week, for the Norwegian class the school subject is International Cooperation, for the Hungarian class it is IT. The planned tasks and activities are the following: posting about everyday life, introductory blogs and vlogs, sharing pictures about the school and the environment, creating, filling in and evaluating the same questionnaires in both countries, creating kahoot quizzes about geographical and cultural topics, giving accounts about school events and national traditions, holidays and festivals. Student compare and contrast all the above mentioned topics.
Expected Results
As a result there will be a colourful database in the facebook group containing different types of materials about the classes and their countries.
The involved teachers will share teaching materials and experiences through their communication apart from the facebook group as well, for example in emails.
This project can be an example in both institutions, it can inspire other classes to find a partner class for a similar cooperation in the future.
The pupils will obtain different forms of formal and informal knowledge about the other country. They will have international friends and can keep in touch for a longer period. The eTwinning cooperation may develop into a student exchange program.