About the project
eTw-T-R-A-I-N is an eTwinning project aimed at secondary school students (aged 15-19). The aim of the project is to bring students together so that they can practise their communication and ICT skills and develop the attitude that is described by the title: T- Tolerance, R- Respect, A- Action, I- Innovation, N- netizens. The project will take on the form of a sustainable railway journey. The participants will catch our eTw-TRAIN in September and will virtually travel around Europe visiting the partner countries. The students sitting in different compartments will be working together in international teams. While travelling, they will be creating the Travel Diary and taking part in various challenges whose aim is to raise awareness concerning such topics as sustainable tourism, eSafety, culture, slow fashion, circular economy, STEAM. Thus, when they get off the eTw-TRAIN at the end of the journey (= the end of the school year), they are Tolerant, Respectful, Active, Innovative Netizens.
The project aims to develop communication in the foreign language (mainly English), digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression.
Students will:
- raise awareness concerning eSafety
- become active, responsible and tolerant citizens and netizens
- share European Heritage and develop cultural exchange
- develop creativity, collaboration, communication skills, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership and responsibility
- raise awareness of sustainable travel, ecotourism, slow fashion and circular economy
- become familiar with STEAM and take part in EU Code Week
- become familiar with SDGs and its connection with climate action
- enrich the knowledge of partner countries
Getting on the eTw-T-R-A-I-N formed at the beginning of the project - meeting the other passengers (introduction + logo competition) and Music Station;
October - EU Code Week + Art Station;
November - Art Station 2;
December - Current Events Station;
January - ??? Station (student agency - at the beginning of the project the students will vote for another issue that is important to them)
February - Science Station + eSafety Station - participating in SID;
March - Till 2030 Station;
April - Slow Station;
May - getting off the eTRAIN - the Final Station (farewell party)
Students will work together in national and international teams formed in September taking on different roles.
The project outcomes (posters, games, presentations, recordings, videos, pieces of writing, etc) will be shared on TwinSpace, part of which will be made public. The students will use various ICT tools to complete the tasks and create the main results - Travel Diary, Board Game and Declaration of the Rights of the Planet and the Traveller. We hope that active participation in the project will enrich the students’ knowledge as well as develop all the competences and skills mentioned above that will prepare the students for their future life and careers and turn them into Tolerant, Respectful, Active, Innovative Netizens.
Link to the Twinspace
📌A 9.b osztály eTwinning projektje keretében nemzetközi csoportokban dolgozott a Flipgriden hangüzenetek és videóinterjúk formájában spanyol, portugál, horvát, lengyel, cseh, osztrák, görög és belga partnereikkel.
👉Ezen a linken az eredményeikbe tekinthetünk be. Gratulálunk a munkájukhoz!🤝✅
1. helyezés
A projekt 2021-ben 1. helyezést ért el az eTwinning Magyarország Versenyen. A versenyről bővebben itt olvashatnak.
A projekt Európai Minősített eTwinning címmel is büszkélkedhet. Gratulálunk!
1. helyezés európai szinten is
A projekt 2022-ben elnyerte az eTwinning European Prize-t, azaz európai szinten is 1. helyezett lett. Magyar résztvevő eddig ilyen kitüntető címet nem szerzett. Szeretettel gratulálunk!
Interjú Lőrincz Katalin tanárnővel a győzelem után.