My Modern British Culture Experience with British Study Centres (School of English/Teacher Training) London facilitated by Erasmus Adult Education Programme

Having been a teacher of English and civilisation for many years I was very much looking forward to participate in a Modern British Culture course at British Study Centres in London facilitated by Erasmus Adult Education Programme. The description of the two-week course sounded interesting as well as promising to add some value to my lessons and share time with my students.
Among the broad range of topics to be covered there were the current political issues (and, yes, we did discuss BrexitJ as well as the Scottish independence referendum), the media in the UK ( and, yes, we spent a good half day at the SKY Studio taking photos of and WITH those celebrities you see on TV), the role of the British monarchy (well, no photos with the Queen this time but I had some amazing moments during our cultural visit to Charles Darwin Down House observing, taking photos and videotaping the Queen - I mean Queen Bee at Charles Darwin Laboratory BeehivesJ; I also know now and have it photo documented where the Queens silk dresses were hand made by the Huguenots a couple of centuries ago. Tip: East End of London;)). We covered so many topics and aspects of British Culture – the programme was very well thought and organised, pretty intensive, too: the British education system ? –Yes, including all our questions on the English exams requirements; Social classes? Modern British family? Literature? Teenagers? Music? Immigration? Art? – Yes, yes, and yes! Tate Gallery, London Museum, more Tate Gallery, more museums, kilometres of walking and constantly absorbing – the Modern British Culture.
Ah! Not to forget! We had Teacher training, too! Volumes of materials and practice on developing various skills and techniques, exchanging the experience as we were all from different countries. Rare opportunity to have active, very educating and practical work-shops with lengthy discussions on our professional subject. Friendly, attentive to all our needs, helpful, very professional staff at the British Study Centres, amazing professional, our course Leader, Ms. Kate True,- Thank you all!
And, of course, special thanks to all who made it happen here in Budapest - our Team of Professionals at Szabó Lőrinc Kéttannyelvű Általános Iskola és Gimnázium and Erasmus Programme Team, Ms. Földi Anita, and the BIG THANK YOU to the drive of the whole project and CONSTANT support through ALL stages of the project, including e-mails to London on the best transportation solutions, Ms. Bem Timea!
Culture. British Culture. Modern British Culture. To be continued… :)