Iskolánk két izlandi tanárnőt fogadott egy hétre, akik tanulmányozták intézményünket, órákat látogattak, szakmai megbeszéléseket folytattak. Beszámolójuk itt olvasható:
We had a marvellous week at the Szabó Lőrinc secondary school visiting all kinds of lessons and getting a unique chance to discuss both the lessons and the educational system with colleagues. It was a unique experience and we learned a lot, which we can use in our school. It was amazing to witness the teachers‘ dedication to their work and pupils and the lessons were really catching and lively. A lot of work has gone into the structure of each lesson. The level of German and of English in the bilingual classes is really amazing and a great credit to the teachers and the school. It was an eyeopener. We are very grateful to all the teachers and staff for welcoming us and taking the time to answer our many questions. This visit would not have been possible but for our good friend Erika Schramkó, who with her colleagues Zsuzsa Cserfalviné Mészáros and Tímea Bem not only organized our visit at the school but took us on such wonderful tours of this beautiful country. We hope to continue our collaboration and look forward to welcoming Erika and Zsuzsa next spring in Iceland.